Alan's Portfolio

These are from a photowalk in Liverpool in March 24. I only took my X-T5 with the 13mm lens and my X100VI.

[[Click on each photo to open it - click outside a photo to return to the gallery]
This set of images is from my photowalk in York in December. I took my X-T5 and two lenses - the Fuji 23mm F1.4 and the Viltrox 13mm F1.4.

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I was out with Carol and Liz from Fujifilm doing a night time photo walk around Liverpool. Carol challenged me to go off and produce a series of photos - she didn't specify what sort (very mean of her 🙂 ). So, I toddled off. As I crossed the street, I saw two people waiting to cross at some traffic lights and it gave me an idea. I'd try and take pictures of things NOT happening, things that could have been happier, things that made you think "if only that had happened" but it didn't. So, here, without further ado, is my first ever street portfolio - 12 images which could have had a happy ending - but didn't.

[[Click on each photo to open it and see any comments at the bottom]
Two people who can't cross.